Selasa, 12 Juni 2012

Reading Method

Reading Method

                               I.            Definition
The method proposed as ways that educators can use to convey the message (subject matter) in order to achieve the desired educational goals. If a particular method of a goal is not achieved then they need to find or use other methods that can achieve an educational goal. This method is only a tool not a goal. Understanding the method by Tony Anthony in AkhlanHusen that the method is the application of theories based on one type of approach, so that a comprehensive plan of what kind of skills that dominated the study, what materials to use, and how to order materials preparation presentation (Supriatna, 1998: 87).
From those statements we can conclude that the teaching method was the ways teachers teaching goals from beginning to end which consists of five main activities. These activities are:
·         Selection of materials
·         Preparation of materials
·         Presentation
·         Establishment and
·         Formative assessment
Reading is essentially a complex one that involves many things, not just recite the writing, but also involves a visual activities, thinking, and metacognitive psycholinguistics. For the visual reading process is a process of translating the written symbol (letters) into spoken words. As a process of thinking, reading activities include word recognition, literal comprehension, interpretation, critical reading and creative understanding. Teaching activities can be said to read the words by using dictionaries (Crawley and mountain, 1995).
According to Klein, et al. (1996) argued that the definition of reading includes (1) reading is a process, (2) reading is a strategy, and (3) reading is interactive. Reading is a process intended information from the text and the knowledge possessed by the reader has a major role in shaping meaning.
Reading is interactive. The involvement of the reader with the text depending on the context.People who enjoy reading a text that useful, will meet several goals to accomplish. Readable text that should be easily understood to a person (readible) so that the interaction between the reader with the text (Rohim, 2007: 2-3). Practical reading is the name of a book presented to beginners stage in learning to read. This book consists of volumes IA, IB, IIA, IIB, IIIA and IIIB. Vol IA contains reading words composed of two syllables without the suffix (Yuli, 2008: ii). Vol IB contains sentences that are a series of words that are taught in vol IA (Yuli, 2008: iii). Based on the above understanding can be concluded that the method of reading is a practical approach taken by using the book "Practical Reading" is presented for the beginner stage in learning to read. As parents and as well as educators should consider methods and techniques in accordance with the child's level of mastery.

                            II.            Types of Reading Practical Implementation Method
Implementation of a practical method of reading is divided into two stages, there are; without a book to read the beginning and read the beginning of the book. Read without a book with consideration given to students only involved in activities. For example the teacher listened, questions and answers with the teacher, watched images shown teachers, talking pictures and so on (Supriatna, 1998: 62). By reading the beginning by using children's books will read the material taken from a book called "practical reading" which consists of volume IA, IB, IIA, IIB, IIIA, IIIB. Are thus expected to have basic child able to read simple kaliamt the amount he said at the most four words.

                         III.            Step-by-step implementation of practical methods of reading
Implementation of a practical method of reading is divided into two phases:
Ø  Reading the book and the beginning without books.
Ø  Reading the beginning of the book.
a. Reading the beginning without books
Beginning reading without a book to be carried out with consideration of the new kids in school are not directly burdened with new problems. This burden is likely to keep the child and may also be the cause of the child reluctant to go to school. Starting point in the development of children's abilities, then we do first observation of the child's language skills. These activities we do to explore the sentences of what, the words and terms which are often used by children. The way the conversation is concerned, spontaneous speech of children at the time they play before class starts or leisure time, etc.
b. Reading the beginning of the book
Implementation of learning to read in kindergarten Dharma WanitaPersatuanSukorejo especially reading the beginning of the book Hereinafter not separated by the beginning of the writing lessons, even though reading and writing are two different reading abilities are receptive, while writing is productive. Through reading can develop moral values, reasoning ability, and creativity. For writing skills are not acquired naturally, but through teaching and learning process. To be able to write the letters as a symbol of sounds, students must practice from how to hold and actuate stationery by hand with attention to what should be written (in the draw).

                         IV.            Application of Reading Method
In the previous discussion has raised several issues related to practical methods of reading and language development. So in this section, in particular the author will examine the application of the method of reading the Holy Sholihin RA ManyarMamba'us Gresik
The curriculum is developed in Kindergartens emphasis on the introduction of child-language activities, such as introducing the names of members of the body (head, hands, feet, etc.) the names of objects around the school as adding a child's vocabulary repertoire. In language skills in listening activities can read stories or fairy tales are familiar with the child's ear. In speaking activities, children are shown to introduce themselves, name of parents, as well as the ideals of the child (Supriatna, 1998: 6). Detect or track a child's language skills is the first step in understanding the development of individual children's language,
Some of the following behaviour may detect or track to see the ability to read children:
Children have started to like or love the book, Children love to ask, Son likesto open the books, children already have read a story or book, Children love to tell stories, children tell or talk using their own language, style, children are able to tell drawings, Children can communicate using simple language, children participate in the t ua while reading newspapers, magazines, or other books, children reading the things seen on the way, children begin to ask about meaning and purpose of an image (MONE, 2000: 18-19).
If the child begins to say the words even begin to communicate, he will always learn what is already captured through the senses. If you already started school, the child's ability in language skill already widespread. Especially if the child had started reading the book, the more solid language skills because of increasing knowledge (Supriatna, 1998: 19).
At the age of kindergarten (4-6 years) development of language skills of children characterized by the following capabilities:
1.      Able to use the pronoun I in communicating.
2.      Have different working vocabulary, adjectives, said state, said Tanya and conjunctive.
3.      Promoting understanding and understanding of things.
4.      Able to express thoughts, feelings, and actions by using simple sentences.
5.      Able to read and express something through pictures.
The development potential appears marked by various symptoms such as happy to ask questions and provide information about sharing it, speak for themselves with or without the use of tools (such as dolls, toy cars, etc.), book scribbling tau wall and say something that's fantastic, the symptoms This is a sign of the emergence of various kinds of potential surface hidden (hidden Potency) becomes potentially visible (actual Potency). These conditions showed the functioning and development of nerve cells in the brain. Thus the authors can conclude that learning to use reading method, many have little influence on the language development of children.

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